In these videos we show you everything you need to know to learn how to play Foggy Mountain Breakdown on the banjo. Enjoy the step-step instructions on how to play this legendary song.
“Foggy Mountain Breakdown” is a famous bluegrass instrumental, that was written by Earl Scruggs and first recorded on December 11, 1949.
Check out our free resource of Banjo Tabs before you get started and learn how to read banjo tabs.

Video Text:
let’s work on some Foggy Mountain
breakdown like the title of the video
says this is the way I play it I went
back to the 1949 original version and
actually slowed it down to half speed in
media player recorded that and then
slowed that down to half speed in order
to get to slow enough where I could
listen to it but it’s pretty much the
way I played in my whole life anyway so
and it’s the way that I teach it so
there are some prerequisites one would
be that you have already worked on your
open string roles and I devoted an
entire video to what I call the foggy
mountain roll which is on the right-hand
the two which where you drop your thumb
to the second string at least that’s the
way I do it so I’ve seen guys do it
before we run the index finger there
twice my right hand is much faster at
dropping my thumb to the second string
so either way you do it it’s two one two
five two five that’s what I call the
foggy mountain roll and there’s no one
that I call that I named after Earl
Scruggs because he used it so much in
all this playing the one that the licked
it goes like that the right hand roll is
three one five three
three four I’ll just call that the
Scruggs role on my open string rolls
video so hopefully you’ve been over both
of those roles the what I call the
Scruggs role
three one five three one three four one
and also had been over a ford reverse
roll and what happens in Foggy Mountain
breakdown instead of the regular one on
the page that goes three two one five
one two three one this Ford roaster all
starts on the fourth string it was four
like so that would be our E minor chord
when we get to that and let’s see I
think that’s about it there’s there’s
one forward roll forward roll sequence
where you get you do the Foggy Mountain
roll followed by five three one instead
of a five to one that’ll be for our pull
off so but at any rate I’ve got the song
kind of broken up into into component
parts really and I’ve named each one of
the links and they’re just they are
named what I named them so in this video
because it’s my video so there you go
but it helps my students to be able to
keep everything in sequence because
Foggy Mountain breakdown is not a really
highly melodic tune it’s just more or
less one lick followed by another lick
so I’ve just taken the licks and
separated and separated them out and
named them like the first double hammer
with the left hand if you haven’t worked
on the hammer yet going from your index
finger to your second finger I’m going
from the second fret to the third fret
like so you haven’t got that down you
need work on that just just all by
itself anyway so the hammer here with
the index on the right hand and then
hammer it again and both of those are 2
1 2 all the strings and then 5 1 5 is
the open open strings
this goes have 1 5 so that’s the the
double hammer foggy mountain lick the
very first lick in the song and I do
realize that a lot of it is there’s a
hammer not followed by a first string
and then another hammer that is followed
by first string but there were also
times when he followed both of them with
the first string just like that so I’ve
chosen just to make that the default
lick for my version of his own so that’s
the double hammer lick and then you do
that twice in the beginning of the song
so 2 1 5 2 1 5 and do it again
now when you’re doing it of course there
won’t be any space in between the lakes
they’ll just keep going right on ahead
it’s eighth notes I’m just separating
him out too to show you the individual
licks the third one starts with a double
hammer and then goes to a pull off on
the third string and this is a pull off
from the third fret to the second fret
and what I do is I have my hammer on the
second string yes I have two fingers
down because I leave my index finger on
there I’m going to move both fingers
across at the same time and that gives
me two fingers on the third string and
what I do I just do my pull off three
one that’s my pull off
that’s my index fingers still on there
I’ll leave it on there because I the
next note I play the fifth string and
then I take my index finger off for the
open third string so it’s five
and what I’m trying to do is leave my
index finger on there as long as I can
to let because I have a b-flat and a and
a G and will let let that a ring for as
long as it’ll go take my finger off ah
play the open G so that’s the pull off
5 3 with the pull off so so far you’ve
got the double hammer lik twice
thirdly it’s love double hammer with the
and gone on the third string with your
index finger of your right hand is the
open third string
okay the next lick I’m going to play I
call the just a filler lick because it’s
just an open open string lick just to
fill in the rest of that measure before
I get to my E minor sequence so is and
it goes five three one its thumb index
middle index the right hand it’s just
open strings that takes me down to the
fourth string first fret I’m going to
use my second finger here because I’m
gonna slide it on up and build my E
minor chord here it’s an E minor hole
and my second fingers on the second fret
of the fourth string my ring finger
third finger is on the first string
second fret so both are on the second
fret and it probably if you’re not used
to this court it probably wouldn’t hurt
for you to take some time and just play
open strings put both fingers down play
that E minor chord open like so
is to work on the left hand on that so
what I’m doing is after my feeling like
five three one four the Bell has me back
here on the first fret of the fourth
string and I played it with my thumb and
then I slide to the second fret and
while I’m doing that I’m putting my
third finger down because that’s the
next note that I play so I go a fourth
string slide from the first fret to the
second fret and then the first string is
on the second fret open to open three
okay now those are all quarter notes so
my count is one two one two three four
there’s no Antony of that because
they’re all quarter notes they’re all
and they all get an equal value okay
nice even quarter notes and then my next
like I’m going to play and this is all
part of the E minor sequence and it
consists of two parts the first is the
slow part
okay the second half of the e-minor
sequence is starts with a where I’m at
already now all I’m going to do is
hammer on the fourth string out there
with my second finger and do that for
reverse role I was talking about four
two one five one two four one starting
with the hammer
okay just like that now so far I’ve
gotten a double hammer again
slow D minor fast
okay now my next lick is is taken from
the like I said from the original 49
recording or Earl Scruggs changed it
over the years to did some different
licks but this is the one that I’ve
chosen because I’m just sort of an
originalist I guess it may not be the
easiest one to play but it can go really
fast you know if you’re working with
some so if you look at the Scruggs role
on my open open string rolls sheet the
one that goes three one five three one
three four one and hopefully you’ve
worked on this the third note of it 3 1
the fourth note I’m sorry 3 1 5 is my
slide from 2 to 3 and that’s my index
finger of my right hand because that’s
where it falls in that role one is open
now go back to the open third string my
index finger again and I’ve moved moving
my finger over to the fourth string
second fret and then back to the one
that’s that whole lick the open strings
are three one five one three four with
the slide and the other note one side
fredita so that whole lick I call it the
Scruggs G run there’s lots of times
Scruggs would play it on the banjo while
Lester Flatt was playing the G run on
the guitar it kind of course bonded with
the G run on the guitar that’s one that
can be a little bit a little bit
challenging because it comes right back
with the index finger this index middle
that’s one you can just work on
individually just as a lick I think I’ve
got it in another one of my videos – one
with just banjo licks
if you get pretty fast so so far we’re
down to the double hands third Lake is a
double hammer killer
slow e-minor
scrubs Jia
now we start repeating stuff I’m going
to do the filler lick again 5 3 1 3 back
to the e minor D minor
not two of the G runs here that brings
me down to my D sequence getting close
to the end of the song now I’m gonna hit
the open D string that’s a quarter note
some count lon
and hammer there I usually drop my thumb
for that just because I like the feel of
it so what’s happening there is I’m
hitting the open fourth string I’m doing
the hammer on the second string E and
just like I did above but it’s just a
single hammer this time so do my D
single hammer this time instead of doing
open string rolls I’m leaving my finger
on that D there third fret of the second
so do five two five and now my next lick
I’ve done before as well it’s the double
hammer with a pull off again okay now
the last lick is going to be the Scruggs
G run one more time except this time I’m
going to start it with my right hand
with my index finger instead of my thumb
the other once I start with my thumb I’m
this time I’m going to start it with the
index yeah that’s more
okay because I’ve just played the fifth
string and I’m in the middle of a
forward roll so that make that
necessitates the use of my index finger
for starting that roll this time open
fourth string hammer double hammer with
there’s there’s the fifth string now I’m
gonna do three okay same role as before
the other ones with this it goes
everything else is the same okay and
then I do the three pitch and a to the
very end and I’m done I’ve done the
whole song so if I call out these licks
you know hopefully you’ll be able to to
play them as I call them out because by
now you would have worked on each
individual lick until they get to be
more more natural and more familiar to
you so when I say double hammer
a minor slow
emoji la filler again II minor slow
my best
coming down to the deep
she run at the end start with the
sorry 2 3 pinch to pinch to the end and
that’s the whole song and you just put
it you learn the component parts of it
first and get to work 50 times the
hardest ones that I’ve experienced with
my students has been to pull off mainly
because people want to pull off too
early and you don’t want to do that you
want to do the pull off leave that
finger on for as long as you can before
you get the string so that lifting your
finger off and playing the open g string
or almost simultaneous so that’s that’s
one of the hard ones
let me see edit it and the Scruggs Jiro
just mainly because the right hand roll
is a little bit different and then
timing on the hammer on for the E minor
so again the E minor is worked out as an
individual chord this is the way I
always work Accords
I played the core and let’s play the
open songs and put the cord back on all
the strings put the core back
that goes back to the fourth string four
to one five one four okay so let’s take
it from the top again
double hammer
minor slow
remember that last GE run starts with
the index finger so you can practice
those individually you can practice
practicing with the index finger
so you got it three times with your
you got once with your index finger
and that makes it all a lot easier to
memorize I think so here we go from the
top one two ready go
anyway have fun hope this helps
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